sunnuntai 28. maaliskuuta 2010

Bjargvættur, bjartur

We are running all the way through the cities.

Feeling terribly small here under the eyes of God, as you can see.

That coffee was disgusting.

Some deep discussions
and then less deep.
Sitting in a car.
Wondering where to go next.
Shopping like girls do.
Writing cards in a cafeteria
for those three persons
who came in my mind first.

Planning to come back again.

And I'm in a car
I don't know where we are
headed for.

torstai 25. maaliskuuta 2010

hello friend

I'm going to travel tomorrow, I'll visit Helsinki with one of my dearest friends. Eight + eight hours sitting in a car. I like it because the feeling there is something peaceful and nice.

3533998331_f63b111614_largevia we heart it, from here
But partly I don't like it, since I've started to be afraid of those high speeds they're traveling with.

I'm coming heim saturday, probably with a bunch of new photos taken in a moving car.

maanantai 22. maaliskuuta 2010

yttektyk nillahup

Today was a fine day.

Although two of my friends are sick. And I know I'm going to be sick too.

However, after school I went to the hairdresser's. She just cut the ends of my hair a bit, but it looks quite different and it's nice. After that I had about half an hour before my bus would leave. I walked through the little centre of my town to a bridge. I stood on it, stared at the old pover station of Koivukoski and ate some karelian pie I had with me. I thought about something great.

I realized that we can not create anything new actually. I mean us humans. New atoms can't be created by us. I mean that we have to have something where to start from to create something else. You can't build a house out of nothing. It means that all these thing crated by industrialization. I think it's awesome. There is a meaning with what we are doing.

I think spring is coming next week.

lauantai 20. maaliskuuta 2010

Ég þakka

It was my 17th birthday party last night. I had a great evening with my friends.

This painting is made by one of my friends.

My new Icelandic dictionary, Swedish flag -card and me.

I also got some useful art stuff, Moomin-book, notebook and nice rubber boots. And a card, which I didn't first quite understand (Its thinking was complicated!).

I think I'm going to paint now and think something deep.

sunnuntai 14. maaliskuuta 2010

Viðrar vel til hádegis

Holiday's over. But it's alright. It is time to go to sleep now.

I think I just had one of the best weekends ever. The great adventure and some just being, waiting for the darkness in the middle of a clearing. And what else.

My new favourite breakfast is here.

The killer rabbit (which is not as bad as brown hare, thank God) had visited our backyard last night. I was amazed. I had a short adventure today too and I stood where the rabbit had run. You can see a picture of this dangerous creature on my mug in the picture, by the way.

torstai 11. maaliskuuta 2010

Blá nótt; ég er að drukkna syndir.

So I went out. I walked. Then there was this disappearing moment of realization but I didn't catch it! Where did it go! I ran and I didn't care about people staring. Then I stopped and the forest shouted at me, run run and so I ran back and;

I went back home because I am a coward.

One day. Now I want to sleep.

Iceland is calling me.

Susanna Majuri - Mykines

sunnuntai 7. maaliskuuta 2010

I am superhero

I'm somehow distressed. Don't know why. I'm going to see a Finnish horror movie Sauna tonight. Maybe it will make my brain relax.

However, I'm feeling quite fine right now. It's holiday. I have a new plant in my room. And everything's quite fine! I'm trying to learn to understand that.

tiistai 2. maaliskuuta 2010

Some things are too difficult to be described with words.

For me that means most of the things, because I have a lot of problems with my existence and such. I really feel I don't exist. All the time.

Tumblr_kyl9g1ntkh1qattr5o1_400_large here
The first thing is this. I don't exist. I don't know if you guys exist there anywhere you are or are you just part of my imagination. I don't feel the earth, I can't feel the universe as a material creature.

Jag tänker alltså finns jag.

Mysteries are the second thing. I can't explain the mystery I'm talking or thinking about. I can see it in my mind clearly, but I don't know what it is. Maybe it's the point in mysteries. I don't know anything about them. I think something green, though.

Mitt egna sinne är mystisk, ingenmansland, obefintlig
