lauantai 28. marraskuuta 2009

Oh no again

I might be in love AGAIN with someone I shouldn't. But for now it's alright because it feels wonderful. Still I'm scared for the feeling that'll come too soon if nothing will happen.

Took this photo when I was going to Helsinki last Tuesday.

4 kommenttia:

  1. ootko sä ottanu ton ikkunasta ton kuvan... suss?

  2. mulla tulee mieleen tosta kuvasta joku maisema mutta en vaan muista mikä. sellanen että olin varmaa jonneki menossa ja oli tylsää ja halusin mennä hyppimään jonnekki iha muualle. nojoo.

    sitten in inglis juu nou.
    what do you mean you shouldn't? Are you serious by the way? and has the feeling (which you're scared of) came?

    argh. en oikein osaa nyt.

  3. He. Mulle tulee semmonen junafiilis.

    It's quite hard to answer. Well, at least it's not the same person anymore, and luckily the feeling didn't come. I don't know. Maybe you should ask me this question ten years later, maybe I could answer then.

    Jag just hade dålig stämning här men sen besökte din blogg (såg bilderna, we heart it!) och blev lite gladare.
