perjantai 1. tammikuuta 2010


Great New Year, everyone. In Finnish I would say "Oivallista uutta vuotta", but don't know how to actually translate it.
(Let's look at the dictionary. It said "excellent" but it's nothing like that.)

My camera doesn't like the darkness at all.

Did this quick sketch just for you, but the scanner spoiled it of course. I accidentally wrote "09" after my signature... It's hard to learn the new one again.

Oh, this seems to be my 100th blogpost. I've slowly changed the language of the blog to English. Funny.

2 kommenttia:

  1. Hi!

    I guess I'm not the person you prefer to comment your blog. Actually I don't know if you like comments at all. But I'll do this anyhow, because I can take this as an exercise for my independent english course.

    Anyway, I just wanted to ask why you've changed the language to English? Is it something thoughtful or just for fun? (Congratulations on your 100th blogpost!)

    I liked your hair today, but didn't have time to say it.

    PS. Aim sori ai känt vrait inglish veri vell.
    And I'm sorry for being sorry about something as pitiful as that. I know this sounds irritating. :)

  2. I like comments! Nobody just comments my blogs. I always hyppään kattoon when I get a comment.

    It just has changed. I started writing really small things that sounded better in english. And then I suddenly wrote everything in English. Besides, blog in English sounds cool. Heh.

    Thank you! I liked it too, until it changed to a bird's nest.

    Joor inglish is veri anderstänabol änd guut. Ai didönt faind eni misteiks ät ool. Don't be sorry at all. Thank you very much for your comment!

    Näin muuten jotain unta jossa olit, ja se liitty jotenkin uneen jossa Tiia oli tosi ilkeä eikä päästänyt mua soittamaan sen afrikkalaiseen bändiin.
