tiistai 19. tammikuuta 2010


What annoys me now is the universe.

When everything is destroyed and all that exists for us and everyone else is differently and gone there's nothing. There's no life existing anymore.
Our physics teacher told that the truth is going further and further.
Everything is going to collide and stop being.

What I'm scared of is that maybe at that moment I wont be feeling anymore.

No more stories, no more kites or frengers or even friends, no Iceland, Denmark or Finland. No dreaming about winter or forests. No dogs or mothers. There's nothing at all. That fucks me up.

What's the function of making my psychology essay anymore?

2 kommenttia:

  1. what annoys me now is that i don't understand you. altough i guess i almost understand this post.

    uskotko totuuteen?

  2. That's too bad but don't worry I don't understand myself either.

    Kait sekin jossain on. Joku on ehkä totta.
