tiistai 2. maaliskuuta 2010

Some things are too difficult to be described with words.

For me that means most of the things, because I have a lot of problems with my existence and such. I really feel I don't exist. All the time.

Tumblr_kyl9g1ntkh1qattr5o1_400_large here
The first thing is this. I don't exist. I don't know if you guys exist there anywhere you are or are you just part of my imagination. I don't feel the earth, I can't feel the universe as a material creature.

Jag tänker alltså finns jag.

Mysteries are the second thing. I can't explain the mystery I'm talking or thinking about. I can see it in my mind clearly, but I don't know what it is. Maybe it's the point in mysteries. I don't know anything about them. I think something green, though.

Mitt egna sinne är mystisk, ingenmansland, obefintlig


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