maanantai 22. maaliskuuta 2010

yttektyk nillahup

Today was a fine day.

Although two of my friends are sick. And I know I'm going to be sick too.

However, after school I went to the hairdresser's. She just cut the ends of my hair a bit, but it looks quite different and it's nice. After that I had about half an hour before my bus would leave. I walked through the little centre of my town to a bridge. I stood on it, stared at the old pover station of Koivukoski and ate some karelian pie I had with me. I thought about something great.

I realized that we can not create anything new actually. I mean us humans. New atoms can't be created by us. I mean that we have to have something where to start from to create something else. You can't build a house out of nothing. It means that all these thing crated by industrialization. I think it's awesome. There is a meaning with what we are doing.

I think spring is coming next week.

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